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Name : Ho Kian Lam, Andrew
Email : anderlooo@yahoo.com.sg
Mobile : +65 81383616
Andrew “Hozilla/The Rhino/Anderlooo” Ho would have been a pro-wrestler if he had not been misled to think a career in advertising
was less bruising.
Starting as an FA artist in Leo Burnett, he broke out of the studio (and the world of double page spreads) and cut his teeth as
Junior Art Director at McCann Worldgroup.
Despite his fear of flying, his career launched off the top rope when he joined MullenLowe Singapore as Art Director, and started creating global work that took him as far as New York, Sao Paolo, Madrid and Shanghai. Here, he started making a name for himself in the award circles – from Cannes, One Show, D&AD, LIA to Spikes, Adfest and the Singapore Gong Awards. Each achievement has only grown his hunger and passion for bigger, better, more globally recognised work.
In the rare moments he is not in front of his Mac, you’ll find him back in a boxing ring or perfecting threatening facial expressions before the mirror.